1 iOS + 1 Android + 1 macOS + 1 Windows + 1 Linux + 1 openwrtCLI + 1 ipioCLI + 3 brook --scriptCLI
{{ !zh ? 'Subscribe $30 / Yearly' : '订阅 $30 / 年' }}
{{ !zh ? 'One-time $30 / Year' : '一次性 $30 / 年' }}
{{ zh ? 'Brook Plus 包含' : "What's included in Brook Plus"}}

{{ zh ? '一个 Plus 账号可用于全平台客户端' : 'One Plus account can be used for all platform clients'}}

{{zh ? '一个 Plus 账号可用于 GUI: 1 iOS + 1 Android + 1 macOS + 1 Windows + 1 Linux 和 CLI: 1 openwrt + 1 ipio + 3 brook --script' : 'One Plus account can be used for GUI: 1 iOS + 1 Android + 1 macOS + 1 Windows + 1 Linux and CLI: 1 openwrt + 1 ipio + 3 brook --script'}}

{{zh ? '使用 Script 几乎任意控制你的网络' : 'Use Script to control your network in almost any you want'}}

{{zh ? '使用脚本几乎可以控制任意网络请求的每个环节。详情请阅读文档 https://brook.app' : 'Use scripts and can control almost every aspect of any network request. For more details, please read the documentation https://brook.app'}}

{{zh ? '自定义 System DNS / Bypass DNS / Fake DNS' : 'Customize System DNS / Bypass DNS / Fake DNS'}}

{{zh ? '如何工作的细节请阅读文档 https://brook.app' : 'Please read the documentation for details on how this works https://brook.app'}}

{{zh ? '活动监视器' : 'Activity'}}

{{ zh ? '查看所有的网络请求详情' : 'View all network request details'}}

{{zh ? 'MITM' : 'MITM'}}

{{zh ? '查看,拦截和修改 HTTP/HTTPS 请求和响应' : 'View, intercept and modify HTTP/HTTPS requests and responses'}}

{{zh ? 'macOS App Mode' : 'macOS App Mode'}}

{{zh ? 'App Mode 可以查看网络请求由哪个 App 发起,或者用 Modules 控制每个 App 的行为。Linux/Windows 默认即支持 App Mode。' : 'App Mode can check which app initiated the network request, or use Modules to control the behavior of each App. Linux/Windows supports App Mode by default.'}}

iOS/macOS All Networks Mode

Include All Networks. But exclude some networks, such as: Apple Push Notification services (APNs) traffic; Wi-Fi Calling, MMS, SMS, and Visual Voicemail; Local network, AirPlay, AirDrop, and CarPlay; XCode Device Communication. And the VPN will not be disconnected between sleep and wake or network changed. Only available for iOS and macOS TUN mode. Note that the Modules still works outside of Excludes

{{zh ? '在 Android 上使用 Native Bypass App 功能' : 'Using Native Bypass App on Android'}}

{{zh ? '在 Android 上使用 Native Bypass App 功能。在 macOS/Linux/Windows 上可使用 Modules' : 'Using Native Bypass App on Android. On macOS/Linux/Windows, can use Modules to do same thing'}}

{{zh ? '在 Windows 上使用系统托盘' : 'Using System Tray on Windows'}}

{{zh ? '在 Windows 上可以以系统托盘模式启动' : 'Can be launched in system tray mode on Windows'}}

{{zh ? '网络工具箱' : 'Toolbox'}}

{{zh ? '使用目前及未来网络工具箱里的功能' : 'Use capabilities from current and future network Toolbox'}}

{{zh ? '自定义暗黑主题' : 'Customize dark theme'}}

{{zh ? '自定义系统/明亮/暗黑主题' : 'Customize system/light/dark theme'}}

{{ zh ? '关于 Brook Plus' : "About Brook Plus"}}
{{ zh ? '即使使用免费版本的 Brook,也可以正常使用 CLI 和 GUI。Brook Plus 是一个付费选项,它让付费用户可以使用更宽容的功能,以让此项目可以持续。' : "Even with the free version of Brook, normal use CLI and GUI is possible. Brook Plus is a paid option that allows paying users access to more generous features, allowing us to continue to sustain the continuity of this project."}}