App Privacy Report
Record app network activity, TCP, UDP, IP, DOMAIN, DNS. Note that iOS have no addAllowedApplication API, so it records all.
记录应用网络活动、TCP、UDP、IP、域名、DNS。请注意,iOS 没有 addAllowedApplication API,因此它会记录所有App。
{{ !zh ? 'Video on YouTube' : 'YouTube 视频' }}
{{ !zh ? 'Download' : '下载' }}
App Store
Android APK
{{ !zh ? "Buy Promo Code" : "购买兑换码" }}
{{ !zh ? "iOS: You can use App Code to redeem in AppStore" : "iOS: 你可以使用 App Code 在非中国区 AppStore 兑换" }}
{{ !zh ? "Android: You can use the App Code to redeem after installing the APK" : "Android: 你可以使用 App Code 在安装的 APK 后兑换" }}
> {{ !zh ? "Android: For technical reasons, it can only be redeemed once, uninstalling the APK or reinstalling the system means you will lose it, and purchasing means you agree to this mechanism" : "Android: 因为技术原因,只可以兑换一次,卸载 APK 或重装系统意味着你会失去,购买意味着你同意此机制" }}
If the email typed wrong, you will not receive the code..
Why and How to Turn Off System and Browser Secure DNS?

At present, the Android system has built-in Private DNS (DoT), and the desktop and mobile versions of Chrome provide built-in Secure DNS (DoH). When DoT or DoH is turned on, the query content cannot be intercepted. So we're going to close it:

I have purchased the app

Please get the support link from the app