Get US Apple ID
获取美国 Apple ID

{{ zh ? '服务流程' : 'Service Process' }}

  1. {{ zh ? '输入你的邮箱': 'Please type your email'}}
  2. {{ zh ? '选择服务时间' : 'Select the service time slot' }}
  3. {{new Date(chat.start*1000).toLocaleString()}}
    {{new Date(chat.stop*1000).toLocaleString()}}
  4. 支付后你的邮箱会收到服务链接,请在服务时间内点击服务链接,共消耗你我 30 分钟时间。不要忘记检查垃圾箱。
  5. After payment, you will receive a service link in your email. Please click on the service link within the designated service time; it will take 30 minutes of our time together. Do not forget to check the spam folder.