{{zh ? '可以开启 Markdown,然后发送的文本消息将会以 Markdown 格式渲染。' : 'You can enable markdown, the text messages you sent will be rendered in Markdown format.'}}
{{zh ? '视频会议' : 'Meeting'}}
{{zh ? '可以使用同样端到端加密且 over TURN 的视频会议。' : 'You can use Meeting that is over TURN and end-to-end encrypted.'}}
{{zh ? '搜索消息' : 'Search'}}
{{zh ? '可以通过关键词搜索历史消息。' : 'You can search historical messages by keywords.'}}
{{zh ? '发送更大的文本消息' : 'Send bigger text message'}}
{{zh ? '可以发送 30KB(加密后) 的文本消息,免费用户为 3KB。' : 'You can send a single text message of 30KB(after encrypted), while free users are limited to 3KB.'}}
{{zh ? '发送原图' : 'Send original image'}}
{{zh ? '可以开启发送原图,发送的图片将不会被压缩,将会以原图发送。' : 'You can enable original image, the images sent will not be compressed and will be sent as original images.'}}
{{zh ? '发送更大的图片' : 'Send bigger image'}}
{{zh ? '可以发送单个 10M 的图片,免费用户为 2M。' : 'You can send a single image of 10M, while free users are limited to 2M.'}}
{{zh ? '发送更大的视频' : 'Send bigger video'}}
{{zh ? '可以发送单个 99M 的视频,免费用户为 10M。' : 'You can send a single image of 99M, while free users are limited to 10M.'}}
{{zh ? '无限制的 Chat 数量' : 'Unlimited number of Chats'}}
{{zh ? '无限制的 Chat 数量,免费用户为 100 个。' : 'Unlimited number of Chats, while free users are limited to 100.'}}
{{zh ? '发送更大的文件' : 'Send bigger file'}}
{{zh ? '可以发送单个 99M 的文件,免费用户为 10M。' : 'You can send a single file of 99M, while free users are limited to 10M.'}}
{{zh ? '加密后的聊天记录保存时间' : 'Duration of storage for encrypted chat history'}}
{{zh ? '服务端无限期保存 Zhi Plus 用户所在 Chat 的加密后的消息。服务器在转发 Chat 的加密后的消息时,针对免费用户默认会保存 7 天,以方便用户从离线到上线时或其他时候再次从服务端拉取消息。注意:服务端的清理机制是定时运行清理任务,如果运行时发现 Chat 内没有 Zhi Plus 用户,则会清理 Chat 的 7 天之前的加密后的消息。同时如果所有成员都退出了 Chat,那么 Chat 相关的加密后的消息也会被周期性清除。' : "The server indefinitely stores the encrypted messages from Chats of Zhi Plus users. When forwarding the encrypted messages of a Chat, for free users the server will by default save them for 7 days to facilitate the users retrieving messages from the server when they come online from being offline or at other times. Note: The server's cleanup mechanism runs a scheduled cleanup task. If it is detected during the run that there are no Zhi Plus users in the Chat, the encrypted messages from more than 7 days prior within the Chat will be cleared. At the same time, if all members exit the Chat, the encrypted messages related to the Chat will also be cleared periodically."}}
{{zh ? '创建 Bot' : 'Create Bot'}}
{{zh ? 'Bot 可以发送/接收/删除消息和移除用户,并且可以编程控制用户是否可以加入 Chat。' : 'Bot can send/receive/delete messages and remove users, and can programmatically control whether users can join Chat.'}}