{{ !zh ? 'Create an anonymous account' : '创建匿名账号' }}


{{ zh ? '支付完成后,并稍等一会你的匿名账户就会被激活。登录时无需填写验证码。请私密保管你的匿名账号。' : 'After the payment is completed, and after a short wait, your anonymous account will be activated. There is no need to enter a verification code when logging in. Please keep your anonymous account information confidential.'}}
{{ !zh ? 'Please send BTC' : '请发送 BTC' }}
{{!zh ? 'to' : '到'}}
If you send from wallet, please bear the miner fee by yourself. If you send from an exchange, please bear the fee by yourself. Make sure the amount received by the above address is greater than or equal to the above value. 如果您从钱包发送,请自行承担矿工费。如果您从交易所发送,请自行承担手续费。确保以上地址收到的金额大于或等于以上值。
如果你想使用其他货币,可以使用 https://letsexchange.io 或 https://ff.io 等第三方服务来中转。 If you want to use another currency, you can use third-party services like https://letsexchange.io or https://ff.io to facilitate the exchange.