mitmproxy helper
Capture all mobile HTTP and decrypt HTTPS into mitmproxy, SSL/TLS certificates for interception are generated on the fly.
捕获所有移动 HTTP 和 HTTPS 解密,并到 mitmproxy。
{{ !zh ? 'Why' : '为什么' }}
Many similar software capture packets from the system proxy, it's easy for apps to skip the system proxy. The difference is this helper captures packets from the virtual network card. Check out this article English / 中文 for more information.
许多类似的软件从系统代理捕获数据包,应用程序很容易跳过系统代理。 不同之处在于此助手从虚拟网卡捕获数据包。查看介绍文章 English / 中文
{{ !zh ? 'Video on YouTube' : 'YouTube 视频' }}
{{ !zh ? 'Download' : '下载' }}
App Store
Android APK
{{ !zh ? "Buy Promo Code" : "购买兑换码" }}
{{ !zh ? "iOS: You can use App Code to redeem in AppStore" : "iOS: 你可以使用 App Code 在非中国区 AppStore 兑换" }}
{{ !zh ? "Android: You can use the App Code to redeem after installing the APK" : "Android: 你可以使用 App Code 在安装的 APK 后兑换" }}
{{ !zh ? "Android: For technical reasons, it can only be redeemed once, uninstalling the APK or reinstalling the system means you will lose it, and purchasing means you agree to this mechanism" : "Android: 因为技术原因,只可以兑换一次,卸载 APK 或重装系统意味着你会失去,购买意味着你同意此机制" }}
If the email typed wrong, you will not receive the code..
Why and How to Turn Off System and Browser Secure DNS?

At present, the Android system has built-in Private DNS (DoT), and the desktop and mobile versions of Chrome provide built-in Secure DNS (DoH). When DoT or DoH is turned on, the query content cannot be intercepted. So we're going to close it:

I have purchased the app

Please get the support link from the app